忘れ物 / ma pillow
ANAでソウル出張だったのですが、ホテルに着いてからinflatable pillowをたたんだまま機内に忘れて気たことに気づく。これ、空気入れるところが大きいから膨らましやすいしたたみやすいし、バルブで硬さを調整できたり、スエード布地で首にあたるところにこすれる縫い目がなかったり、非常に出来がいいので、もう10年ぐらい気に入って使っていたので無くしたと思って残念だったけど、まあ仕方ない、また買えばいいか、と思っていた。
「そうです!」と答えたら、彼女はカウンターの裏に入ってすぐ出て来て、見事にpillow を手渡してくれた。回収完了。
In a post long ago, I wrote about how I switched my mileage accumulation on ANA/StarAlliance. Though unrelated, this is one event worthy of complement to ANA.
On my last business trip to Seoul via ANA, I realized that I left my inflatable pillow in the aircraft after checking into the hotel. I really liked that pillow---it's got a very big opening to inflate/deflate quickly, with the valve serving as an easy adjustor for the firmness. It had no annoying seams around the edges that wrap my neck (unlike most plastic inflatable pillows), with comfortable and durable felt cover. I've used it for 10 years and still loved it, but I figured that it was lost forever and I would buy another one somewhere.
Three days later, as I was checking in at Gimpo to get on my flight back to Haneda, I figured I'd give a shot at it---I showed my outbound boarding pass to the check-in counter attendant, and told her that I left my pillow on that flight. The attedant, Asiana staff, spoke to an ANA stand-by attendant in fast Korean about my story. The ANA attendant looked at me and immediately asked, "oh you mean the gray pillow?"
Wow. I wonder she learned to remember these things because there are so few folks who leave stuff behind?
I said "Yes!", she walked into a back room behind the counters, and quickly came back and produced my Eagle Creek pillow. Nice!
I remember an old TV commercial (I think it was ANA) where a cabin attendant finds a bag left in an aircraft that was just deplaned. She'd grab it, run across the jetway, through the terminal hall, and finally catch up with a businessman who was just about to get on a cab, and hand off the bag to him with a big grin.
"Yeah right, like that would ever happen," I thought. Perhaps the cabin attendant didn't chase me with the pillow because I was on coach :-) But I still thank them for keeping a good tab over lost-and-found goods, as I thought I wouldn't recover this major travel saver of mine.