トスカーナの休日 (+追記) / Under the Tuscan Sun (+ addendum)
From Toscana 2008-08 |
Not that I got divorced and bought a house in the countryside like Diane Lane did in the movie, but I did leave work behind and toured around Tuscany with my family for two weeks. It was darn hot in August, but we had a great time with great weather and all.
追記 (11/5):Google Maps ストリートビューのイタリア版が今週出てきて、フィレンツェ郊外に滞在した折りによく行ったレストランとかがキレイに写ってる!このシーンで、ちょうどグレーのベンツAクラスが停まっているあたり(銀色のBMW3の前のクルマ)のテーブルで食事していました(この写真が撮影されたときにいたわけではありません)。道路の反対側を見ると、フィレンツェの町並みが遠く丘の下に眺められる。望遠で撮るとこんな感じ。思い出すなあ!
Addendum (11/5): Google Maps StreetView became avialable in select Italian cities. At the coverage edge of Fiesole (suburb of Florence), I found the restaurant we frequented while we were staying there. In this scene, we would sit at the table across from the gray Mercedes Benz A Class (right in front of silver BMW3)---(just to be clear, it's not that we were there when these photos were taken). Turn around, and how you can overlook the city of Florence over the rolling hills, just like this when taken with a zoom lens. Brings back great trip memories!